Our very own Gravesend Dance Coaches Nigel & Kerry will be entering this Saturday's Britroc competition down in Brighton. They'll be entering the Open and Advanced sections, so wish them luck! Fly the Dance Riviera flag guys and make us proud.
Jim, Nicky & Tracy and the crew x
Posted by
Dance Riviera
11:34 AM
Good luck Nigel and Kerry!
Sock it to 'em!
Remember everyone at Dance Riviera and everyone you have ever met will be cheering you on - you are such lovely people and great to dance with!
Hi Guys, just to say "Best of Luck"
The dance partnership of Kerry and Nigel is an inspiration to everyone who attends Dance Riviera venues.When they come to Broadstairs people are always impressed 'Wow! Who are they??' I am always pleased and proud to say they are friends of mine! Their dancing is a delight to watch and the dedication and hard work that goes into their training is hard to imagine. Above all it is their pure enjoyment of dance that illuminates everything they do.
Thanks for representing us at Britroc.
number one fan,
We didn't get placed but we did get some great comments from audience and judges, and raised the profile of Dance Riviera!!
Same story for the advanced and open categories, we didn't get through to the finals, but we held our own and got some fantastic reactions and comments back. Nig loved it cos he could show off his beautiful lifts!! We had a lot of lovely comments through out the rest of the day.
We were really pleased to see Dwain and Michelle get through to the Advanced Finals, they were looking really good, and we did lots of cheering!! Roger and Moira also gave a great performance in the Senior section.
So good experience but sorry we couldn't bring home a prize!!!! Take care, Kerry
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