Monday, February 12, 2007

So you think you can dance.....I think they can!

Next Sunday is the finale of So you Think you Can Dance, the America's Favourite Dancer is chosen.

It's on Living TV Sunday at 6pm and 7pm - last one is next Sunday.

If you've been watching it I'm sure you'll all be amazed at the talent of some of these dancers - they master all styles of dance - sometimes 2 routines in a week and they're spot on.

It's between Heidi, Donyelle, Benji and Travis - I think Benji will win it but Travis is awesome too.

1 comment:

Shelagh said...

Hiya - its such a brilliant show isnt it, we love watching it over here and the kids are hooked, especially when they do the Hip Hop routines as they have started Break Dancing lessons now bless - they will be spinning on their heads any day now!!!! We think Travis will win but who knows, they are all great dancers - take care, lots of love Shelagh xx