Camber Routines
The 2 routines we did for Camber are now up on our website for all to see.
Go here to see them.
The 2 routines we did for Camber are now up on our website for all to see.
Go here to see them.
Posted by Dance Riviera at 9:47 AM
Hi Guys
Really enjoyed your Bumb & Grind at Camber n2006, I spoke to you afterwards in the side room. I cannot find the routine on your blog. The link takes you to the Gallery, and I can see pictures for 4 2006 dated events but nothing Camber related. I might be being dim, or perhaps the Gallery page needs updating.
Onkar Jagpal
Hi Onkar
Thanks for the compliments about the class. The Gallery page has at the bottom links to the 2 classes, perhaps you could press F5 to refresh your page. They're definitely on there.
Yes I have found them. Did indeed need to hit F5, obviously was hitting an older cached version of the webpage.
One small error I spotted. Both of the pages for the routines reference the gotom video, the labels and descriptions are correct, but the embedded link in the bumb & grind routine is pointing to gotom as well. Was able to download the correct video by looking into your video99 folder.
Hi Onkar
I've just checked for the error and have checked the lemon link and it points to the right website. What embedded link are you talking about?
Just checked again. If you follow both links, you will find that one runs
the other
Both display show a video with the details below
Music - La Revancha del Tango by Gotan Project
Routine - Bump n Grind
Music - Lemon "Easy Tiger"
However on both of these pages the same video is played (gotan-1.wmv , this is the emebedded link I refer to). Need to change bumpngrind-1.html so that it links to bumpngrind-1.wmv rather than gotan-1.wmv
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