Monday, June 26, 2006

Come On England

Well done England and of course Golden Balls for the fantastic free kick goal - just when we were wondering whether it was possible for us to score!!!!! From having temperatures over here of 37 degrees and not wanting to do anything other than swim in the pool and hide in the shade (shame hey!!!), I can totally sympathise with what the guys had to go through yesterday - lets pray for rain and cooler temps for Saturday!!!!

As you can see, my son Sam has got totally into the spirit of things, with his hair changing colour for every match so far, not sure what he will be doing for Saturday's match but I am sure it will be bright and imaginative!!!

Only problem is we are now due to play the dirty playing Portuguese!!!! Did you see the match last night, I just hope Figo's headbutt fiasco (missed by the Ref!!) gets him excluded from Saturday too, lovely example of how not to behave!!!! What a shambles, but very entertaining, kept me interested anyway!!!

Have a brilliant week everyone, we will do our best to keep enjoying the sun!!!! Pete and Jill are visiting us on Wednesday for a well earned holiday, cant wait to see them and catch up on all the latest news and gossip - love to all, Shelagh xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there Shelagh, love the photo! Can't wait to see what you guys end up dressing up in for Saturday's game!! Maybe I should dye up Tai's hair too!!!

I hope Pete and Jill arrived safely - have you already been dancing around the apartment? I know how much you have been missing your dancing evenings!

Keep sending me some piccies as I love seeing what's going on - by the way, I hear there might be quite a few of us visiting in September? Is Alida also coming too??? Roll on September.

But of course.... back to Saturday's game - good luck England, we will be supporting you from down south in Durbs - hoping for another "Golden Balls" goal!!!

Take care and chat soon - say hi to everyone and give Sam and Cally a big kiss from their Aunty
Lots of love
Claire xxxxxxxxxx