Friday, June 30, 2006

Joseph & Sadie - what a fantastic night!

We had a fantastic night at Dartford last night with guest teachers Joseph & Sadie, they did a mambo style dirty dancing class to the fastest piece of music! there were lots of laughs and smiles all round. They then did 2 wonderful cabarets that left everyone in awe and feeling that they couldn't dance after that!

We're pleased you enjoyed yourselves, those that came and we'll get them back again for you.


Anonymous said...

I agree it was a fantastic night, had a really great time. Thank you so much Jim and Nicky for organising it

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicky, Jim & Tracy,

Just a quick message to say �THANK YOU� for an excellent evening of dancing on Thursday (29th) with the added bonus of Joseph & Sadie�s class.

Many thanks


Anonymous said...

Joseph & Sadie go on to get better & better. They have obviously worked hard on their teaching and there show cases were terrific.

Thanks for doing a great job Guys.

If anyone took any photo's could you please send them to us for putting up on the Dance Riviera website, and if you don't mind, Joseph & Sadie would like copies too, so we will collate them all and send them on.

Jim x

I managed to kiss Sadie on her cute cheeks at the end of the night... Lucky ol me

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim

I managed to get a couple of pics and also got a video clip on my digital camera that I will try and e-mail across or I will burn it onto a disk for you then you can load it onto your PC.

Also I have a video on my phone which I have sent across to my PC via bluetooth. I can get it to play the video but there is no sound with it. Do you know where I might be going wrong?

Shelley xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Shelley,

Does your phone record sound? If it does then try transfering it again.

Can't wait to see the video and pics... Thanks.

Jim xx