Thursday, June 15, 2006

Robot Dance

For my shame I used to do a little robot dancing...

I was never any where near as good as these guys though.

Check out the 3rd guy.. Truly amazing!

Click on the text to see the videos.....



Anonymous said...

Hiya, welcome back from your hols, glad you had a lovely time, we have missed your daily blogs!!!! Tuned into the video and you are right the 3rd guy is brilliant, very entertaining - can you still do any moves!!!! I will have to show Sam as he will love it.

We have been busy over here learning to dive (did you see my blog! with the celebratory pose taken after we finished our final dive!!!) - I really enjoyed it and we are off tomorrow morning for another adventure underwater!!!

Off to the pub later to watch the footie, lets hope it is a better match - Sam will be having face painted and hair sprayed red and white, he loves it!!!!

Hope you have a good night at Herne Bay - it has been 5 weeks since I last danced, I am having bad withdrawal symptons - will grab Pete for a dance around my lounge when he and Jill visit in a couple of weeks.

Anyway take care, love Shelagh xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Shelagh,

Caught your blog and gratz on completing your dives.

My robot dancing days are over... through choice hehe, but given lots of alchohol I can still do a couple. Lots of beer!

Missing you guys, Jim