Thursday, June 01, 2006

Stylish Footwork Workshop & Tea Dance this Sunday (4th June)

We have another one of our popular workshops and tea dances this Sunday (4th June) at Dartford. Jill & Pete will be taking you through some lovely stylish footwork moves. Don't be afraid of footwork!! When taught properly, they can easily be incorporated into your repertoire of moves. Jill & Pete's style of teaching is to ensure that you absolutely get the moves, along with Pete's sometimes terrible but funny jokes!

It's 10 pounds for 5 hours of workshop and tea dance including refreshments (tea/coffee/cake).

If you just want to come to the tea dance it's 5 pounds after 2.30pm with no refreshments - although if there's some spare you could buy it on the door.

Ring Nicky today to ensure your place on Sunday 020 8692 3821. Tell your friends!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

made it to the T dance; my exhaust fell apart (on my motor) as I was on my way out Saturday night, and I had to get it replaced Sunday morning. Keith played a mostly chilled out set very much on my wavelength; and thanks to YKW (nuff said).

