Monday, August 14, 2006

Bexleyheath Busking Success!

August and rain shouldn't go together in a sentence should it?! When you book a busking event for outside, you pray for no rain. Obviously the weather gods weren't listening on Saturday.

We met in Starbucks and whilst drinking our lattes and cappucinos we debated on what we would do. Then our heros, David & Chris (from the mall and town centre management) arrived and answered our prayers. We could dance inside with our very own DJ Ian from Time FM!

Luckily, most of our dancers had turned up and so we danced from 2pm - 3pm handing out loads of flyers with many people taking photos and filming us!

Big thanks to the staff at the Mall, Ian the DJ and approx 40 dancers including our wonderful crew who helped to dance and promote Dance Riviera.

Here's an email we received from 2 of our crew about Saturday.....

About to tuck into our tea but just had to say ...Brilliant busk at Bexleyheath today - probably the best we have ever been to! The crowd watching us was about 5-6 people deep - and all seemed to be taking photographs and leaflets! Mind you we all put on quite a show - and it was a great atmosphere. I am sure the infectious friendliness of Dance Riviera will bring along a lot of people to the venues - I think I managed to persuade the centre manager too!!! We had such a great time that even when the official busk was over it took a while for a few of us to leave the dance floor since the DJ continued to play music - whoops! And still people stayed to watch!!!Got to the pub eventually!!!Thanks to Nicky and Tracy (and Jim from afar) for their organisation! Christine & Terry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done everyone!

I heard it was an excellent day.

I had to go to work on Saturday, so missed it :(

Jim x