Monday, January 14, 2008

Dancing on Ice - Get the Party Started ...!

WOW! Yes they did! Dancing On Ice is well-and-truly here for another year and what a way to open the show! Having reunited with Take That choreographer Kim Gavin after their special performance alongside the band last series, Jayne and Chris were lowered onto the ice inside an enormous pink glittering chandelier, before bursting out to join the professional skaters in a gob-smacking whirl of spins and spandex.

The rink was on fire (quite literally, in places!) as Jayne and Chris and Co careered around, wowing us all silly as dancers in showgirl outfits and fireworks flanked the spectacle.

So no pressure for our 12 twitchy celebrities then, as they slid on to the ice with dazzling smiles glued to their faces… a few wobbles but that must have been first night nerves. But, as they say, show must go on! And what a show it was ... cant wait for next week. So who is your favourite?


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