Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Energy Saving Day: 27-28 February 2008 - Leave it off!

When: Between 6pm Wednesday 27 and 6pm Thursday 28 February
Where: At your work and at home
What: Leave off all electrical items which do not need to be on such as office lights, PC monitors, TV, radio, copiers and printers, etc.

Over 24 hours, E-Day will be trying to show how even small energy saving measures can be made to add up, and potentially play a part in tackling climate change, so we are inviting you all to LEAVE IT OFF!

Get involved and see how easy it is to make a difference: Leave it off! Let's not just do it on E-Day but keep remembering to leave it off and the energy savings will only multiply.

For more information about the event, visit the E-Day website (

So remember when you go dancing tonight or tomorrow (or any night) switch things off! It will help with your bills too!


Christine said...

I did it - never realised how many things I had plugged in in the first place! Am adding the switch off and unplug thingy to my always increasing recycling regime!


Anonymous said...

I always do it - NEVER leave my tv on standby - my Dad would never let me when I was growing up so have always been in the habit of switching off properly not in standby mode with the remote.

Big firms who leave countless lights on all night should be fined and also train companies for putting up the heating!