Thursday, March 06, 2008

St Pirins Day - 5th March

Yesterday - 5th March was St. Piran's Day - since myself and Terry are off to a Rotary weekend in St Ives I thought it appropriate that I blog this!!

St. Piran is the patron saint of Cornwall, the southern most corner of Great Britain. St Piran is the most famous of all the Irish saints who came to Cornwall and is said to have discovered tin.
The flag of St Piran is the Cornish flag - white cross on a black background symbolising the discovery of tin by the saint as the white metal flowed from the black rock.

Who was St Piran?
Legend tells us that St.Piran sailed to Cornwall on a millstone. Originally it had been tied around his neck and he had been cast into the Atlantic by people jealous of his power to heal and work miracles. As he was thrown off the cliff there was a bolt of lightning and a terrible crash of thunder, but as he reached the sea the storm suddenly abated, the sun came out and St.Piran could be seen seated peacefully on the millstone which was now floating on the surface of the water. It bore him safely across to Cornwall and he landed between Newquay and Perranporth at Perran Beach, to which he gave his name. Piran built himself a small chapel in Penhale sands and his first disciples were said to be a badger, a fox and a bear. He lived a good and useful life, surviving to the ripe old age of 206!

Me thinks I now need to find the nearest hostelry so I might live to a good age of 206! We are in Taunton at the moment so Cider seems to be the right thing to do!

See you on Monday


Christine said...

Just thought I ought to update you - before we leave Somerset I am determined to have my first pint of cider - then on through Devon for my second and so I will be ready for a great conference by the time I reach St Ives!


Anonymous said...

All that scrumpy, and a Rotary conference, and a self confessed pole dancer. No wonder high winds have come out of the West today. So much rotating, so much spin, you must have generated a tornado.

As I was walking to St Ives,
I met a maid knew many Jives,
She spun so fast,
Her clothes she cast,
and she was made honorary president of Rotary for the rest of our lives.

After that I will remain

Anon of Broadstairs

Christine said...

Wonder a wonderful rhyme - I have just come down to earth and read that one! Well done Anon of Broadstairs!