Thursday, March 16, 2006

Tip of the week

All the best Smooth Jivers always hit the breaks. If you're dancing for fun, hearing and dancing to the music will make it more fun. "It generally gets very appreciative responses from the ladies, too."
I've found that women as a whole "hear the music" better than men do, but they're stuck with following whatever the guy is leading. When they get a partner who can hear the phrases/breaks and they do something appropriate then for many of them, they love it.
If you want to be competitive, hearing and dancing to the music will, at the very least, give you an edge over your competitors.



Anonymous said...

Another tip I have been told is;
"Never start a dance off with an armjive" apparently it's the height of naffness, so they say...

Anonymous said...

The "Hallelulia" (spelling ?) generally seems to be frowned on as well - worth avoiding.